Global Online DevOps Leadership Event
DevOps Summit 2020
07 - 08 November 2020
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Global Online DevOps Leadership Event
Find inspiration to overcome the VUCA conditions to redefine the future.
Hear from the best DevOps, Leadership & Management minds.
Gain new insights and embrace new perspectives.
Learn how you can be future ready in changing times.
Join the pioneers and participants from all across the world.
Come together to imagine and define the future, and simplify the complexity.
Global Online DevOps Leadership Event
The organisations have confronted disruption. They are experiencing extreme pressure due to ongoing and escalating COVID-19 pandemic.
Our mission is to address the challenges of effectively managing organisations, and guide the industry to simplify the complexity by bringing the best knowledge and information from pioneers and leaders of DevOps and move in the direction to reinvent organisations.
The need for ‘Speed’ is greater than ever. Our goal is to discover new ways of working, reimagine the structure, and reshape the talent to step up execution excellence.
Join us at DevOps Summit in Simplifying the Complexity.
Global Online DevOps Leadership Event
If we were to more clearly define our discipline what would that look like? If “Software Engineering” is real “Engineering” then wouldn't we expect the principles to be long-lasting, durable and probably unsurprising.
What sort of ideas will be as true of “Software Engineering” in 100 years time as they are today? What are the foundations on which we could begin to build a true Engineering discipline for our profession?
This talk explores some of those ideas and describes why Continuous Delivery may be the best starting point that we have for that.
So you’ve had an incident. Restoring service is just the first step. When all of the alarms are silent and the red lights are green again, your team can take some time to think about what happened and how to improve from it. Using blameless postmortems can help your team foster a learning organization and improve your production engineering practice for the future. This talk will cover the postmortem workflow as part of incident response, and the team culture that fosters creating useful postmortems.
This talk is a simple step-by-step framework for a full DevSecOps cultural transformation. It explains how to build trust. It addresses the mindset shift concerns for all relevant audiences. It covers first steps and how to track progress. It's adaptable to any environment regardless of industry, technology, or maturity. Most importantly it's been proven in a highly diverse environment at Comcast.
If you have ever heard the phrase “We have a DevOps team”, it's likely you have bumped into someone who believes they are doing “Devops” or they are practicing “Devops”.
With over a decade gone since this term was coined, a lot has evolved in terms of the tooling and practices. But what is still largely downplayed is the importance of aligned organization culture.
In this talk, Sudhir will talk about his experience of witnessing incumbents, scaleups and startups take on their journey of modernization with all their buzz words in sight and often losing on the most important aspect of culture behind.
This presentation is intended to guide organizations on implementing an automated process for tracking governance throughout the deployment pipeline, by providing a reference architecture. A sample use case is also provided to further enforce these best practices. Ultimately, a DevOps automated governance process can give organizations the assurance that the delivery of their software and services are trusted.
How can you fight your way out of the modern thicket of complexity? Simplicity is a tool, not a goal. See how to use it effectively with the right cognitive and engineering techniques and frameworks. Join Andy Hunt, coauthor of The Pragmatic Programmer and one of the 17 authors of the Agile Manifesto to explore these and other aspects of modern software development.
It’s been 20 years since the word “open source” was invented. Since then, open source has played a crucial role for engineers, as tools we use, as well as a means to gain visibility. I for one benefited from it tremendously; that’s how I found myself in the US, how I became a part of a global community of great engineers at Sun Microsystems, and how I went independent and turned Jenkins into business. My entire career is wrapped around in open-source! However, open source has changed a lot in the past 20 years, and is still changing. And in order for our industry to continue to thrive and keep providing upward mobility for engineers, thriving, economically viable open source ecosystem is crucial!
In this talk, based on the personal experience of living in the Silicon Valley and open source, I will discuss how the roles of companies & engineers are changing in open source. What business interest exists for companies to participate in open source, in this age of web services, and how open source will continue to thrive for years to come.
DevOps is a sought-after approach in the IT industry.
Many organisations around the world are implementing DevOps Culture to achieve competitive edge in the digital era. In this panel discussion, let’s delve into the experiences of technology leaders of various enterprises to learn how it has worked for them.
*The current program schedule is only a draft and is subject to change.
Global Online DevOps Leadership Event
Founder, Pragmatic Programmers
Founder, Continuous Delivery Ltd.
Founder, Botchagalupe Technologies
Co-CEO, Launchable Inc
DevSecOps Transformation
Leader, Comcast
DevOps Advocate, PagerDuty
Managing Director, ThoughtWorks India
The Enterprise Perspective
Vice President - Application and Cloud Technology Practice Head, Capgemini
Vice President - Technology Services, Magic EdTech
DevOps is a sought-after approach in the IT industry.
Many organisations around the world are implementing DevOps Culture to achieve competitive edge in the digital era. In this panel discussion, let’s delve into the experiences of technology leaders of various enterprises to learn how it has worked for them.
08 November 2020 | 20:55 IST | 10:25 CDT | 17:25 CEST | 09:25 MDT | 11:25 EDT | 16:25 BST
Global Online DevOps Leadership Event
Organiser, DevOps Summit
Organiser, DevOps Summit
Co-Organiser, DevOps Summit
Global Online DevOps Leadership Event
Global Online DevOps Leadership Event
Global Online DevOps Leadership Event
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Global Online DevOps Event